

Expected results

The results of this project will be of interest for both the scientific and the industrial communities of Italy and Sweden.


In the world Swedish automotive sector have been often associated with a leadership in technology for safety and driver’s protection. The BRAINSAFEDRIVE project would like to be in line with this long tradition in safety bringing the neuroscience best knowledge inside the interior of the car to protect drivers by themselves and the other. In addition, automotive is a leading industrial sector also for Italy, and the interest in BRAINSAFEDRIVE results lies in the fact that the results of this project will allow to estimate the drive pattern behavior of persons that are “inattentive” or “mental fatigued”. When this will be recognized an automatic warning from the car interior will be released. Since it will be based on drive pattern the future drivers will not have the need to wear sensors to be monitored in real time.

The presence of a high technology company (BS) in the proposal is a sign of interest for this prototype to be developed. Such company is also involved with MDH and DMM in other research project.


Italian group: the scientists of DMM and BS will increase their knowledge related to the sophisticated classification algorithms provided by their colleagues at the MDH.

Swedish group: the scientists of the MDH will increase the knowledge about the estimation of cognitive states and the basis of the real time EEG and EMG acquisition and processing, an area in which DMM is a worldwide expert.

The BRAINSAFEDRIVE project will have an impact also in the development of the human resources of both partners since it could be the occasion for the young scientists of MDH to spend a period of study and formation in Italy at DMM. In addition, MDH scientists could also work in cooperation with an innovative company in Italy (BS).


This section will be updated as soon as the final evidences will be identified.



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