Prof. Fabio Babiloni and Prof. Hans Liljenström
The prof. Fabio Babiloni has already realized a cooperation of four years (from 2007 to the 2011) with the professor Hans Liljenström at the Department of Energy and Technology in the Division of Biometry and Systems Analysis of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala.
Such cooperation was performed through the EU-COST ACTION B601”NEUROMATH: Advanced methods for estimation of cortical activity and connectivity”. The EU-COST Action NEUROMATH had prof. Babiloni as Chair and involved 20 other EU countries for a period from 2007-2011.
Prof. Liljestrom and prof. Babiloni chaired also the meeting of NEUROMATH in Stockholm in 2008 with the presence of the Nobel laureate for Physiology for the year 2000, prof. Arvid Carlsson.
Prof. Babiloni was also invited in Sigtuna by prof. Hans Liljestrom to held a plenary lecture in the workshop about Neurocognitive Dynamics organized in 2012.
Prof. Babiloni also cooperate with the Mälardalen University in the framework of the EU-Horizon2020 project SIMUSAFE, with the research unit of Dr. Mobyen Uddin Ahmed (MDH). The project will run from 2017 until the 2020.
In summary, the BRAINSAFEDRIVE project take into account the following points: